Forum PublicationTopic:
FederalismPublication Year:
1999French HTML
International Conference on Federalism Mont-Tremblant, October 1999 Summary The Forum hosted the International Conference on Federalism in an Era of Globalization from 5-8 October 1999 in Mont-Tremblant, Canada. The Conference brought together over 500 elected representatives, civil servants, academics, and private sector representatives from over 25 countries. The Conference focused on the challenges posed by the management of federal systems at a time when the significance of political borders is declining. The conference was structured to maximize the opportunity for participants to share information, best practices, and experiences in problem-solving. Presentations by US President Bill Clinton, Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo, Canadian PM Jean Chrétien, and other leading figures were interspersed with small roundtable workshops. Approximately 80 youth were in attendance as full participants in the conference. In addition, the Forum organized a supplementary youth programme in Ottawa consisting of a specially-designed intergovernmental negotiation simulation, thus providing youth with first-hand experience in the practical application of federalism. Forum of Federations / Forum des fédérations